The sapwood is narrow and nearly white, often brighter striped or discolored by sapwood-taints and is not useable. The sapwood and the heartwood are well separated. Indigenous toĮastern United States, beside in ultimate North- and Southeast main found in Carolina, Georgia and Virginia in Germany frequently cultivated as park-tree.
Tulpenbaum, American whitewood, Tulipier, Tulipifero, Tulpenboomhout, Tulipwood, Tuliptree SubstitutionĮuropean Lime (Tilia cordata), Poplar (Populus spp.), Evino (Vitex pachyphylla), llomba (Pycnanthus angolensis), Kumbi (Lannea welwitschii), White Afara (Terminalia superba), Obeche, Wawa Samba, (Triplochiton scleroxylon), Jelutong-bukit (pyera costulata). Liriodendron tulipifera L., Liriodendron procerum Salisb., Tulipifera liriodendron Mill.